Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Legend of Holly Claus

Book #3 for the year!

The Legend of Holly Claus
is such a wonderful story! The novel is very much a larger-than-life story of a young woman who intends to earn her place in the Land of the Immortals.

Everyone in the Land of the Immortals has earned his or her place there -- everyone except Holly. Holly was born because a boy asked in his letter to Santa what Santa would wish for at Christmas. Santa wished for Holly, and she was born -- the first child ever born in the Land of the Immortals.

Told as part fantasy, part historical fiction, the story is set in the Land of the Immortals (near the North Pole) and in Victorian era New York City.

Overall, I loved the gentle delivery and the characters who were truly good people (and animals) who cared for one another. There is a large portion of the plot that deals with an evil sorcerer and his desire to rule the Land of the Immortals. Sadly, I felt that the resolution on that plot point was very hurried and brusque, and not at all in keeping with the pace of the rest of the book.

The pen and ink drawings scattered throughout the book truly made me feel as if I was reading a Victorian era novel. They added that "something extra" that many books lack to make them special.

Even with the one trouble spot, I would recommend the book, particularly to teen girls who enjoy the fantasy or historical fiction genre.

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