Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The beginning of the end

As of today, I have our school materials for the coming year. I only needed two things to round out our studies, but I've been trying to find them cheap with no success. I found an eBay seller who had both for decent prices and reasonable shipping, so I ordered them last week, and they arrived today.

Let me emphasize my complete nerdiness by saying how excited I am about this year! Spyder and Sass will both be studying etymology, specifically Greek and Latin roots, and my inner nerd is loving it!

Spyder and Sass will also both be studying beginning biology, which I (personally) am more excited about than last year's astronomy. We'll be doing another earth science as well, since Spyder can't get enough of science.

I haven't decided exactly what our history lessons will encompass yet. The three of us decided today that we've had enough of the ancients -- thank heavens! -- and it's time to move on. I'm voting for the end of the Roman Empire to the High Middle Ages, but the children are leaning more toward early America. Either way, I have the materials, so it's just a matter of deciding. I'm betting we'll go with American since it's what they're more interested in studying.

Spyder and I decided that we'll begin at the same time as the regular schools this year, which works for me. That gives me about two weeks to get the schedule worked up and making the rounds at Target for basic supplies. Sounds easy enough, but those school supply aisles just make me giddy. I have to go in with a very specific list, otherwise I come out with all sorts of things that I just loved but don't particularly need.

"A bouquet of newly sharpened pencils"
may be ideal for our first day, if only for myself. :)

1 comment:

Buncha Stuffes said...

Oh, oh!! Don't tell me! 'You've Got Mail', I love that movie! Ahh, shopping for school supplies.. there's nothing like it!