Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Year Without "Made in China"

I've gotten away from posting reviews of my recent reads, partly because I've been reading more fluff than I want to admit, and partly because I've been retreating into old favorites.

I picked up A Year Without "Made in China" last month while Skeeter was out of town, but I didn't finish it until early last week.

Most people will probably find it surprising, but it was a very easy read. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but good all the same.

A Year Without "Made in China" chronicles a year in the life of the Bongiorni family, one in which they vow not to purchase items made in China. Any parent will sympathize with the author in her troubles with finding toys and shoes for her children without breaking the "no China" rule. And any parent will laugh in reading her sneaky ways of allowing China products into the house to keep the peace. After all, they can accept gifts made in China . . . .

The book is written very much as a chronicle of the family's life, without much digression into global economics. I was actually hoping for a bit more statistical and economic information, but I know that I'm a bit odd in that respect. Spyder is reading it at the moment, and the writing style is easy for him to follow and enjoy. In my bookstore, it was cataloged in the business section, but truly, it's more of a biography.

When I was reading it, Spyder was a bit concerned that I might want to join in this whole "no China" thing. I reassured him that I wasn't planning on it, but the book did make me more aware of what I'm buying and how it got there.


PEZmama said...

Warning: catch-all comment to follow.

First, I am so glad to hear that your dad is doing better. I will continue to pray for him and your whole family as well.

Second, I am intrigued by this book you mention, although I think I would be like you in wanting more of the "statistical and economic information." But I just might pick it up. But tell me, what (in a nutshell) were the specific reasons that they decided not to buy from China? I'm curious.

Saints and Spinners said...

I was intrigued by this title, too, and read in the Amazon comments that the author wasn't trying to get a no "made in China" bandwagon going.

A successful, long-term sustainable economy exports more than it imports, I remember learning in grade school during our unit on Japan. If so, then what does that say about the United States' long term sustainability?

Noodle said...

PEZmama: The decision came as a result of the author looking at all of the "made in . . ." tags on Christmas morning and seeing that a great majority of the items came from China. The idea seems to have come about simply to see if it could be done.

Alkelda: A bandwagon wasn't the goal. Truly, I think it was an experiment to see if it could be done. As for our import/export ratio, I think that's why we're seeing more of the media bring out how much we do depend on other countries to maintain the comforts that we enjoy.