Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Maternal Love

Oh, people. Tonight I will perform the ultimate act of Maternal Love.

I'm taking the children to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.

I hate that place. Loathe, detest, despise. But I love my friend Kristin, and it's her little boy's birthday party. And my children love Kristin's children, so off we go. To the dreaded Chuck E Cheese.

But before that, we're off to Target for a birthday gift, since my gift closet is still woefully bare. I really must restock that so I won't have to make these Target runs on party days.


Candy said...

I used to take my kids to Chuck E Cheese on random nights, because I liked their pizza. Go figure.

Fresh Girl said...

I love Chuck E. Cheese!! It has skeeball! :) And there's pizza...do they still have the singing bears? What's not to love? heee!

Vanessa said...

I do not envy you. I'm not sure I could even be bribed into going to Chuck E Cheese. Maybe maybe MAYBE if I had kids....

Tina said...

AAAA!! We were at Chuck E Cheese last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were there from about 5:45 or so to about 7:30ish...were you there then????

Tina said...
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Anonymous said...

Chuck E. Cheese?!?!? ARGH!!! Best of luck to you.

Target - They need a support group for that place. "Hello, my name is Yvette and I'm a Targaholic."

My ABSOLUTE favorite place to be. (Maybe that's where you've seen us...ha!)