Wednesday, August 27, 2008


"Home"schooling is definitely a misnomer, at least in our case. We have been out for the last two days.

On Tuesday we saw the IMAX film Sea Monsters, then spent several hours wandering the museum which hosts the IMAX theatre. Lots of fun, really, as the children explored the interactive "Treasure" exhibit. Just as we were about to leave, the children discovered a scavenger hunt just taking place, so we spent an additional two hours doing the hunt. I'm glad we stayed because the children were exploring the museum, but it was exhausting spending seven hours there.

Today was our math and science day. We spent the day at the neighborhood park and pond doing another scavenger hunt, this time finding the different creatures and plants the park had to offer. We found aquatic plants and bird nests and anthills and worms and even a tiger swallowtail butterfly.

We all had a great time, but I must say, I'm tired of being gone all day. I'm so glad that tomorrow is scheduled to be a stay at home day. And I hope nothing comes up to change that!



Anonymous said...

Seven hours! I nominate you for mother/teacher of the year!

smalltownme said...

It sounds like a wonderful day.

Tina said...

Yowza! That's a very long time to be at the museum...but good job mom for letting them have a great time! :) Those are the days they'll remember the most!

Anonymous said...

7 should have asked them to add you to the payroll :)

Get some rest.