Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Points

I just read my My Points newsletter today, and in it was a challenge (offer?) to blog about My Points. No problem! I love My Points!

Never heard about it? Check it out with this link. I've been a member since 1999 (I think). I came to it from an even older online rebate service that I can't even remember.

Here are the basics: My Points is an online advertising/rebate service where you earn points by clicking on a link in an email (5 points usually). You earn more, of course, if you take advantage of the offer (usually anywhere from 500 to 2000 points). I earn points by clicking on the links, of course, but I get the most points from buying things that I'd buy online anyway: books and DVDs from Barnes &, Burt's Bees stuff from, joining Netflix . . . . you get the idea.

Now, here's where the fun comes. You redeem your points for gift certificates to your favorite stores! Our favorites are Barnes & Noble, Home Depot, Olive Garden, and Starbucks. Skeeter and I both have My Points accounts, and he has almost enough to get a $50 gift card to Home Depot. New ceiling fan for the laundry room! YEAH! It's taking a lot of willpower not to go ahead and get a $25 card for Barnes & Noble instead though.

Between the two of us, we earn about $300 worth of free gift certificates per year! Oh yes, and one year, we gave some away as Christmas gifts. :o)

Interested? Hey, let me know and I'll send a referral email. I get points for it, you know. ;o)

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