Sunday, December 09, 2007

I am inordinately pleased that I am not alone in my Muppet love

Ah yes! There are other Muppet lovers! I am so pleased that Susan and Bunchastuffes are with me on the Muppet thing.

JP and Susan, I'm embarrassed to say that I completely forgot about The Year without a Santa Claus. It's especially embarrassing since I've been singing the "Mr. Snow Miser/Mr. Heat Miser" song for a week.

I am probably the lone person on the planet who doesn't love A Christmas Story. I don't particularly dislike it; I've just never been able to get into it. That's most interesting because I did get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas one year, when I was about 7. And it's the same BB gun that Spyder shot until recently. Not long ago, an oddly shaped or oversized BB got stuck in the gun. We've tried and tried to get it out with no success.

Fresh Girl, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is just as funny as the book. Not quite as good as the book, just because Barbara Park's phrasing is so spot-on wonderful, but the movie is still excellent.

Dallas Meow, you must watch The Bells of St. Mary's. It actually wasn't made as a Christmas movie, in the same way that It's a Wonderful Life wasn't. It's perfect for the season though. Plus, Bing and Ingrid!

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